May 11, 2012

Ganddhiji (3) Original Autobiography of Gandhiji is Lost in Translation

This is my personal lone voice. I have read original Gujarati Autobiography of Gandhiji. I have also read its Official English version. The translation is stated to have been approved by Gandhiji. But this does not mean that it is a translation-with-true-spirit of original version.

In my view, original Gujarati Autobiography is hilariously humorous and full of sweet satire. These flavours are missing in translation. Now that copyright is ended, I hope that some better translation will be made be someone to capture original flavours of Autobiography of Gandhiji.

Imagine the loss. Hundreds of authors have written books based on their reading of Official English Version of autobiography. They have missed the true Gandhiji's spirit reflected in Gujarati original autobiography!

Haresh Raichura
11th May,2012